AC Transcripts:

 Animals in the Wild

  • Dolphins
  •  Badgers
  •  Elephants
  •  Bats


 A note about the transcripts

The nature of telepathic communication is that it is conveyed as intuitive messages.
 Information received may therefore be interpreted in many varying ways; as messages, images, emotions, feelings, or analogies.
It should be remembered that animal communication is an art and not a science.
Animal communication has been recognised since the 1970’s and is considered a complementary profession. Jane Summers’ animal communication consultations are made and presented in good faith and are the result of much self-testing, validation & experience in telepathic communication with animals over a number of years.
Each animal is respected as being uniquely individual. No guarantee is given to any particular issue being solved, fixed, corrected or cured from any animal communication consultation.
Animal communication is not a replacement for veterinary care of an animal. Any intuitive information conveyed in the course of a consultation is therefore just for your personal consideration.


 A Key to Reading the Following Transcripts

An animal communication transcript largely reads like a conversation between two individuals:
1) The animal communicator
2) The animal.
-   The communicators’ words & thoughts are written in regular type - & without any brackets.
-   The animals’ main responses are written in italics – without any brackets.

[.....] Words or sentences in square brackets:
Square bracketed words detail accompanying emotions, feelings, images, analogies or metaphors, which are intuitively received at the same time as the main response from the animal.

(.....) Words or sentences in round brackets:
Round bracketed words assist expression of the animals’ response. They are used when the animals’ response may be better understood by the addition of such words.
The nature of telepathic communication is that the animals’ responses may be conveyed intuitively in many varying ways & oftentimes are not to be taken as literally meant; therefore, be aware of any possible lateral meanings which may come to mind from an animals’ response; as these too can be intriguing & significant in their own right.

Thank you.



An extract of this transcript was printed in Species Link Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication; Oct/Nov 2007, in response to a readers enquiry concerning Dolphin behaviour.
Animal Communicator: Jane Summers
I obtained a few photographs of dolphins with the intention to communicate with the species oversoul. On my settling to the session, one photograph became my main focus. It was of a singular bottle-nosed dolphin, ‘he’ seemed willing to communicate one to one. I was told his name was Buddy.
I introduce myself and relay a synopsis of the issues I am seeking ‘answers’ to regarding observed ‘aggression’ amongst dolphins. I confess I have a limited knowledge of dolphin lifestyle, although I am aware of their basic ways of existence. I realise I need to venture deeper into this & their meaning of life if I am to discover how a dolphin really thinks.  I put forward my first question…
Why do your species attack and kill porpoises and baby dolphins?
It is indeed for prey (food).
Thank you. Why do your species still kill them if they appear not to be eating them afterwards?
They are always eaten. If not by ourselves then by others. We can make hunting easier for others (other species).
Thank you, okay that makes sense. We as humans believe, largely, if animals are killing for food that the killing is usually done swiftly and so sparing the prey of suffering. From observations by us of your species, it appears that your food prey (on occasion) is suffering and it can be a much longer & drawn out situation than at other times. Can you explain this?
It is individual in each case. The [victim] has chosen his/her ‘end’. It is played out therefore as such.
So, are you saying that, for example, a baby dolphin has ‘chosen’ to go through a longer death & that is why?
Yes, it is the karmic way. It is, well, it is not the [torture] as you humans see it. It is a longer process, but other factors come into play also.
Can you explain this more, please?
Yes, communication from the higher mind is calculated in terms of the issues to the prey’s body. It isn’t always painful. It is as you say it, something like this [& he shows me the following analogies, in pictures. Sending me the sense that (on a lesser scale), what is considered physical ‘abuse’ can only be rated by the individual involved, and that the following procedures may, depending upon an individual’s opinion, either be classed as painful, uncomfortable or to be avoided at all costs, even though others can easily withstand them. The analogies are: plucking ones eyebrows; waxing or removal of surplus hair; vigorous massage; pressure point therapies; acupuncture.]
Thank you, - but still these ‘analogies’ seem rather docile to the blood inducing attacks which can result in death to prey or other animals?
It depends how long and drawn out it is. We do act from a higher conscience, of course. There is no malice in what we do. It is as you say it, [being cruel to be kind].

But what about the injuries and pain incurred if say, as I have read, of one whale calf separated from its pod, & then crashed around for six or seven hours until its death. How do you think of that?
It was his way. [& I am sent an analogy of how a human may choose to go through cosmetic surgery. Of the blood visually displayed during the procedure & how invasive surgery will produce incredible ‘injuries’, but all in the name of something ‘better’ from going through it all (at least to the individual concerned). By going through the process, it can (often) result in an individual being a ‘true-er’ form of him or herself, at the end of it all – in that there is more peace of mind.   Animal attacks also have an ‘end result’ in that, however long they may last & through whatever physical trauma is incurred, the animals soul is working its path so to be its ‘true-er’ form of itself. Whether this is by their ultimately providing a food source for others, or by passing into spirit at a comparatively young age, so to re-incarnate again ..., either way the ‘attack’ to outsiders appearing very nasty, has very ‘legitimate’ reasons.]


 And so are you saying that what we see as a violent and bloody attack on others, is by their own ‘request’ or higher will, a choice to go through such a procedure, for whichever end result..?
Yes, I am.
Thank you. Do you consider that any of your own dolphin species is ever acting less than morally for the higher good… does any dolphin ever hurt another by anger or through instinctive dislike?
Well we all have our ways of displaying disapproval, but at heart we are peace loving creatures. We do not hold grudges. Retribution is usually instantaneous; rebuking the young for their learning behaviour, or keeping them ‘in line’ of their higher good as their paternal/maternal guardians. Rarely does a dolphin act out of anything other than love.
Thank you. Are you ever ashamed of how some dolphins behave to others of their species?
[On asking this, I sense he is looking at me, almost incredulously & as though expressing... ‘What a very curious question to ask...’. He then answers, softly, but patiently:], never.
Do dolphins ever act to kill out of anger?
We instinctively have to protect our own species. It is not as such acting out of anger, but more I would say indignation of our right to remain as we are. [An analogy is sent to me: as if a human impulsively snatches at something to retain a hold on it & in doing so causes others to judge this movement as an un-necessary over-reaction to handling the matter. But when one gets to know the true reason behind such a reaction ie this was actually very appropriate at that moment, it may not prove so ‘un-necessary’ a gesture, after all]

Thank you  - that makes sense. Does behaviour that results in dolphins being injured by ‘attacks’ from their own species, have any causative origin from the sad fact that, some humans, do act ‘un-necessarily’ towards others of their own species?
What is un-necessary? [He gives a simple ‘smile’ after this, simple, yet so profound, a statement]
Thank you. Yes, I can see your way of thinking...
Buddy, does the depositing of toxic waste products into certain sea areas affect dolphin behaviour…so that more animals happen to go through injury & attacks from their (& other) species?
No, not necessarily. [& he shows me by a sense, the following: if one is in an environment with a foul & disharmonising smell or vapour, that one tends to either move from the area or incorporate the ‘essence’ into
One’s  life. It is therefore no ‘accident’ but it is how it is dealt with that can have the greatest repercussions; ie, drawing individuals together and or making others think more about certain issues. Are there truly any accidents?]

Thank you. Buddy, can you then explain this a little more, as humans, we do consider it ‘pollution’ of the natural environment by these manmade toxins.
[in reply to this, I am sent the sense of him almost laughing over the term ‘man made’. It is as though he recognises that if one thinks back fifty/sixty years ago & to a time when ‘handmade’ or ‘man made’ was deemed so ‘real’ and such a quality term, in contrast to the word ‘artificial’ as in modern times. He shows me the thought that everything (that man lives & works with materially) is still actually ‘man made’and thereby, still ‘natural’, but that it is only our inner intentions that can make it what we consider ‘pure’ or not. Everything formed today, ongoing formations or creations, every single thing, can still literally be classed as ‘naturally made by hand’ even genetic crops, space rockets, and computers, because each and every one of them was created by mans own hand originally and the results we now see, are but duplications of the originals.
The real difference though, if we wish to see a different world, and as such, retain ‘old ways’ of nature, is our inner intentions, and our ways of going about making and creating anything by hand/by man. Therefore ‘toxic’ waste~ a by product of mans own creations ~ is not actually a mistake. But until more attention has been drawn to how one creation can cause decimation of other things ~ then it is just for the resultant process to progress as it will.]

…& so, no, we are not necessarily affected by the depositing of –as you term it, ‘toxic’ waste. Toxic, is after all a human term. If by taking something ‘toxic’ the individual dies…why is that classed as ‘bad’? To die is not a disgrace or final ending, as you know. Perhaps we should all reason with our reasoning and not judge by old tales and morals. We are a modern world. It has black and white sides as always. We can choose to which area we are drawn on each and every occasion. Therefore, behaviour isn’t to be termed by others ‘good ‘or ‘bad’. For who knows what is right for others, when each is acting for their own path.


With grateful thanks to Buddy.



Printed in Inspirations magazine, July/Aug 2008.

Animal Communicator: Jane Summers
Opinions are divided nationwide as to whether Badgers are currently responsible for the spread of TB in cattle. One view is held by many cattle farmers, an opposing view is supported by the Badger Trust, Sir David Attenborough and the RSPCA.
Through animal communication I sought the views of Badgers themselves.

I introduce myself, the nature of the connection and ask for agreement to communicate. The group soul representative responds as follows:
Yes of course. I speak for all our kind. We are misunderstood so often it is rich (good) that our kind can be interpreted now. Yet this is only the beginning of better understanding.

Thank you. [Despite my intention to connect with the species group soul, I am drawn to further clarification and so ask if connection with me is with a singular animal or as a group soul].
Both.  We are one & all – though as you request a wider‘picture’ that is the intent conveyed in my speech.
Thank you. [I then convey the divided human opinion regarding the spread of TB in cattle.]
What can you tell me about this?
The spread of disease is by the recipient hosts’ (constitution). – If they are susceptible to disease then it becomes more prolific. It is unwell to blame carriers like us for (susceptibility) and poor (sustainability) of other breeds.
Thank you. Do cattle mainly contract TB from Badgers though?
No. Not primarily so. Though, we play our part. It is easy to blame others for what one considers ‘misfortune’. The TB is of a wider picture (in cattle).  Its arising brings notice to other factors; badgers are but the (flag/sacrificial point of attention/side notice) to this sanctioning. Pureness, more pureness is needed worldwide for the content of species. If this cattle disease was self-contained (only applicable to cattle) less notice would be drawn to its issue. We are connecting to raise awareness.

Thank you.  Some people are looking to cull badgers because of this situation – what is your opinion of this?
If it is to be the way, a longer (scale/weighing up) of balancing nature will occur and (then) balance will reign again. Though, if people are blinded to the truth it will take longer.


Thank you. Can you explain why badgers have become involved with this issue of cattle TB?

Yes, why not? TB is something also ‘dear’ to our hearts – why not become involved in a fellow species plight. Too many others choose not to become involved. One can do more to raise awareness if personal experience is touched upon – and we (badgers) do share contagiousness of this particular disease.

Thank you. Do you think less badgers around cattle will lessen disease, however?
[A ‘sigh’ is conveyed]. It is a balance. What comes out one end has to go in the other; what one takes out of life, one has to replace in quantity with other – else there is a void. Unless (it is) for food, nature does not need re-addressing with culls. It is a human notion. Life kills off its own in own time. Humans are often looking for the scapegoats to blame for their own ill-judgement, but [& the concept is sent of how if one makes an enormous fuss about something it can be said ‘all publicity is good publicity’].
In life there are two ways to become noticed or bring attention to issues; the first to be so profound and clear with the truth that attention is spread by word alone; the second by creating a fuss, so attention is grabbed by turmoil. In (animal & plant) nature, the gentle way is more evident. The human way is often to create spectacular attention to issue and so in the process unbalance all other (processes) around them whilst the spectacle is in place.
[By way of analogy, I am shown the concept of over loud music, flashing lights, fireworks, alcohol fuelled loud conversation, speeding cars and fast technology promoting impatience for even faster technological responses – and how all of these displace essences of nature and balance, whilst they individually suffuse their immediate surroundings with their presence. In (true) nature, to experience any of these creates an in balance, a ‘taking over of another’s space’. Then, only later as the dust is settling can calm once again pervade].
Natures’ way of taking attention to issues is gentler, yes, even of so-presumed ‘violence’ for food, but swiftly done and for purpose – it is all the intent. If an animal dies, it dies. It will come around again, though not through a fanfare of mind confusion but with and at peace.
This issue (the culling debate) we speak of is but another human folly – it is for our minds contemplation. Those who truly understand balance will address the picture with calm. It is for greed and immediacy that others avoid the trueness of the world, though to them they only view a tiny piece.

Thank you. And for this communication. What wisdom would you like to share which may be of help to people?
It is awareness. Calming ones’ mind to be aware – not to succumb to the busyness of life – one misses the subtleties then. Balance will and does occur when truth and pureness pervades. It is a gentle way, though only a gentle way for some of mankind.





Regarding species extinction.

An extract of this transcript was printed in Species Link Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication; Summer 2008, in response to a readers enquiry concerning this issue.

Animal Communicator: Jane Summers
With my focus on two beautiful elephant photographs & intention to connect with the group soul, I introduce myself to communicate:
[There is a sense of a very weary and old relation; ready to listen yet as though hard of hearing, though despite this, it is, as if he knows all I am likely to say already. The sense of a wise, though humble Master; one who never would push to prove his point, in fact, the opposite...would never do so, knowing if the ‘point’ was to be taken it would be by the ‘correct’ individual, and at the ‘right’ time. The phrase “there is power in gentleness” comes to mind and it is this sense that the elephants convey to me].

Thank you. Many people have concerns of possible extinction with your species. What do elephants know and feel about this?
[The elephant that connects to me conveys energy of such a kindly soul. Although it is the nature of elephants to have wrinkled, lined weathered skin – it is as if this physical appearance now tells a story itself; of its age, of its lined experience, of its “every line tells a story” and of its centuries and centuries of presence that it has endured. It is as if every living elephant, when born as a calf, has taken on the lined experience of its predecessors and so every calf carries in its skin and within it intrinsically all experience of centuries and lifetimes of elephants before; skin, as it were, a handed down sacred ‘coat’ of knowledge, to be worn with pride during its own ‘new’ lifetime now.
As well as understanding & knowledge, there is weariness and tiredness conveyed in the eyes, one of ‘late nights’, ‘over studying’ and of misinterpretation throughout its history. Also, a sadness that this life-long wisdom has somehow been ‘missed’ by many – though sadness not for itself, but for a desire that others can better learn what he so sincerely knows and realises.   A very emotional feeling is conveyed: of a yearning to express and share this wisdom...and of physical time running out].


Thank you. Can you explain further, how you feel?

 [The elephant looks to me and as if the expression explains it all, but then by analogy continues: It is the feeling of a very old book, well worn pages, cover and spine, and beyond its best days. A book of wisdom, so antique and revered, yet now, through its age, so delicate in the physical sense. Because of this & though still beautiful a book to hold, respect for its fragility means it is not as consulted as much as it might in times gone past. It seems the best idea for all, is to put this books wisdom on to ‘micro-disk’/computer. Through such transformation (though in effect almost sacrilegious to those revering the original bound book) this transformation will mean millions more individuals have access to the information that would otherwise not be possible if it remained ‘only’ as a bound antique book. This is how the elephants are now showing me of how it is ‘time’ they were gradually transformed into an essence which will have far reaching involvement with many more individuals, through this transformation into another dimension. They, like beautifully bound leather books of wisdom are of the ‘old’ days when such books were truly valued. Their transformation into spirit even to the point of extinction is but a modern day evolution of their energy. So to ultimately reach millions more individuals like a world wide web.
It is sad, nonetheless, that we can’t still keep these ‘physical books of wisdom’ – for that is what they are along with their special elephant beauty.

I guess we cry for what once was, for the Elephants time which so many take for granted. Their heavy physical bodies that they have endured on this planet, their deserving of such kindness and if many do remain physically here, there is a sense somehow of us “keeping them back”; that they need to be given full permission to follow their spiritual path. Maybe we will always have a physical library of elephant books of wisdom. Though if not, let’s honour their physical memory and seek the wisdom they offer in other forms of energy].
Thank you, Elephants.





Communication Regarding
White Nose Syndrome (WNS)

Extracts from this transcript were printed in Species Link Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication; Autumn 2009, in response to a readers enquiry concerning this issue.

Scientists are currently investigating how, or if, WNS contributes to the reported devastation of the North American bat population over the last few years.

Animal Communicator: Jane Summers
With my focus on an individual bat of the Little Brown species, I prepare to ask about White Nose Syndrome; a disease which has been devastating bat populations in the eastern U.S. since first documented in winter 2007-08.

It is reported that this disease has been associated with a previously unknown fungus. I ask: Is this fungus the true cause of WNS?
No. It’s not. It’s the resultant over population of bacteria from not keeping things ‘fresh’.
Can you explain further?
Yes, it is a warming of the earths’ atmosphere; it is a rising of temperature. We bats need coolness. It is as you would say... [& by analogy I am sent the concept of a larder where food is kept cooled so to remain fresh as long as possible for the length of its ‘shelf-life’. And then, by contrast, the consequence of such a place having a temperature rise - & of the mould & fungi then growing on the contents].
Thank you. What can you tell me about the fungus involved with WNS?
It is a symptom of our condition. Nothing more, nothing less; it is for us to cope with [& the concept of a how a person may feel towards experiencing the condition of dandruff is conveyed...]
[This seems to me, such an unlikely comparison with the severity of WNS, & so, I ask:] But I understand your species are dying from this disease (WNS)?
Yes, they are. It is as such our (‘shelf-life’) has been shortened.
Can you explain how death occurs with WNS?
Yes. It is an over-heating of our systems; our beings just cannot cope with the rise in warmth. [& again, by analogy, I am shown the concept of how usually ‘chilled’ food results in mould when left to become warmed in an environment less congenial to that which would normally promote a longer ‘shelf-life’/life-span for it].

So far, people have tended to believe that the fungus is the cause of death to bats with this disease. Can you describe how a bat will feel if suffering this fungus, with WNS?
Yes. I understand it is harder to breathe; & less ventilation is then generated around the body [& the sense of how an air vent may be blocked, or like a drain narrowed from being clogged, is conveyed; And resultantly, on less air – less circulatory air – coupled with warmer conditions, promotes mould growth & so uncongenial conditions for such mammals to then thrive].
How is WNS transmitted from bat to bat?
It is in the air. It is a ‘bacteria’ borne of warmer climates; it is learning to grow & suffuse in damper places because it’s accustoming itself to the rise in temperature generally. (& this means) even usually damper climates all have ‘raised their stakes (temperature wise). What may not have lived in such a climate before is therefore becoming at home there. It would be better for us to seek out even cooler places to hibernate...but where? And it is for its notice to be told; White Nose Syndrome certainly has caught attention with its nature now.


Can you tell me if WNS is to be widely dispersed worldwide?

 Yes, it is likely.
What can be done by people to stop or diminish such a disease?
It is a lesson in climate awareness. It is a change which has become apparent due to warming of the environment. [Scientists] may do what they will, it is for the world to be aware of over warming in certain areas; over warms conditions of good health.
Thank you. How is it that the (bacteria) of WNS apparently survive inside a cave, yet outside a cave, may not survive?
It survives off ‘over-stale’ warm air. Outside it is as such fresher [& by analogy the concept is conveyed of: if we have a wound & it is then exposed to outside fresh air, even in a warm climate that the environment would be ‘healing’ to such a wound. Contrarily, the same wound remaining in damp, slightly warmed environment with less fresh air is more likely to produce a festering & unhealed condition].
How can WNS be stopped or mitigated?
It is a wider consequence than just for bats. It is a world view that needs to be addressed. It is checking the air in all areas- (asking) what is warming the environment? What is exacerbating this warming? What are people doing affecting this? Just because they suggest (people) live in comfort in such ‘warmth’, it is not necessarily right for all fellow species; it is as we say shortening our (‘shelf-life’).
Where did WNS originate?
Where does anything originate...?
It is an accumulation of toxins in the ‘right’ environment...& so creation began.

Thank you. Why is there reportedly consistent evidence now of bats arousing from hibernation far more often than before?
[& in response, I am sent the concept of how if one is just too hot in bed at night & so cannot sleep, even tossing & turning in an attempt to cool off & sleep further; that one may then just give up on trying to sleep & will decide just to get up...].
And so what causes these it the heat?
Yes, of course. It is uncomfortable to stay amongst it, & so we move. [& again, the concept by analogy is conveyed of feeling ‘over warm’ at night & the urge to get up, even open the window, so to be exposed to some cooler air to assist any possible further sleep].
Can bats survive WNS?
Yes, if they are (constitutionally) strong & are able to move to congenial (cooler) areas which may lessen the disease. However, once the disease takes hold it is very difficult to currently eradicate it, because quite simply... where is the cooler environment? [& with this, is conveyed the sense, too, of not only the environment being too warm, but that the very condition of WNS causes a temperature rise in a bats body, & so to be able to ‘cool’ to any sort of ‘healing’ temperature is doubly difficult ].
Thank you. What characteristics in bats would make them more likely to withstand WNS?
We are forming a resistant strain as we speak. It is a case of some of our species finding alternate living quarters. It will be a generational movement.  But after a while it is apparent not for us to breed in caves of infection & to sleep soundly, (&, if so) we need a (‘room’) of air & correct congeniality to our bodies.

What further can you tell me of this disease bats are suffering?
It is for us to contend with; we are smaller & in number lighter to displace. We are a ‘small’ indication of what lies ahead... [& as if to illustrate this point, the concept of a canary in a coal mine, as was the way in olden times, is conveyed, & the Little Brown Bat again says:]....We are simply a warning indication of what lies ahead.


With gratitude to the Little Brown Bat.