Shortly after the referendum on Britain exiting the E.U. one animal lover wrote to me sincerely asking what animals thought of 'Brexit'..& could I please ask them.
This caused me to ponder the apparent enormity of implications of (if ever) doing so. Not least of how one could ever truly validate whatever was conveyed as not being a projection of the Acers personal viewpoint. Too, would the animal consulted be permitted to be a 'remainer' in the household if they disagreed with their person..!? And so on.
The utter complexity of how one might possibly attempt to relay such a multitudinous concept to any animal via AC was in short momentous. And I would have to decline.
The next morning, on coming into the kitchen, though still silently musing the enquiry, I caught myself absent-mindedly greeting Elder cat with: 'Morning Maddy...what do you think of Brexit..?”
As quick as a flash, she'd replied.
“Did you say.. 'Breakfast'?”